Meet Our Leadership
In the same fashion as He did in the New Testament church, the Lord ministers to His people at Wellspring Church through the leadership that He has set over the Church, through the preaching of the truths of the Bible, and through the love and care of the people.
“He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11–13
Our Eldership

Christopher Otis / Elder-Pastor
Pastor Otis gave his heart to the Lord at New Wilmington Missionary Conference in 1971 during the Jesus Movement when the Lord was drawing many young men and women to Himself. The Lord led him to this church a few months later, and he has been serving the Lord here ever since. As Elder-Pastor, Chris provides leadership within the eldership, helping the other elders with oversight of the various ministries of the church. He and his wife, Karen, have three adult children and seven grandchildren.

Ryan McDaniel / Elder and Youth Leader
Ryan grew up in a Christian home in southwestern Pennsylvania and came to know the Lord as a young man. He has been a part of this church for his entire life, living and serving among the members for many years. After completing ministry training, he was ordained as an elder and continues to serve as the elder overseeing the Youth Group and Young Adults ministries. Ryan and his wife, Liza, have been married since 2005 and have five children.
Brandon Otis / Elder, Ministry Training Teacher and Outreach Leader
Brandon Otis grew up as the son of a pastor and, as a teenager, began to develop his own personal relationship with the Lord. After completing college, he moved to Birmingham, Alabama, where he married his wife, Mallory, and served in a church there. He returned to the South Hills of Pittsburgh in 2008 and was subsequently ordained as an elder. His focus is on teaching, providing ministry training, and outreach. Brandon and Mallory have four children.
Grant Grimes / Elder and Deacon Leader
Grant was born and raised in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. His father was an elder of this church for many years. Grant met the Lord through his parents and through the ministry of a summer camp for youth run by the church. He was ordained as a deacon in 2014 and as an elder in 2020. Grant and his wife, Becky, are the parents of 3 children. Both have served as deacons and as staff for the summer youth camp. In addition, Grant serves as the elder overseeing the deacons and the Sunday nursery.
James Gaynor, Jr. / Elder and Sunday School Director
Jay grew up in a Christian home and has been a member of the church since 2001, serving in a number of areas in the church leading up to his ordination as an elder in 2020. He now leads the Sunday school department and the Audio/Video department. He lives in Canonsburg with his wife, Katie, and their three children.
Frederick Lamb / Elder
Fred started coming to the church with his mother and three sisters in 1975. As a young teenager, he gave his heart to the Lord in 1979. He currently serves as the elder responsible for the Safety and Usher ministries. Fred met his wife Carolyn when she started coming to the church in 1980 and they were married in 1986. They have four adult children and eleven grandchildren.
Mark Gaggin / Elder
Mark gave his heart to the Lord in August 1970 at a missionary conference. He began attending the church in 1972, serving as a deacon from 1979 to 1991. Since then he has served as an elder with a particular love for preaching and teaching the Word of God. Married to wife Rhoda since 1975, they have four children and thirteen grandchildren.
Thomas Ozimok / Elder
Tom met the Lord Jesus in June of 1981 on an island in the Indian Ocean while in the US Navy. He came to the church in October 1991 after being discharged from the Navy. He is a Ministry Training School graduate and serves as an elder with responsibilities for the care and maintenance of the church facilities. He and his wife, Thisbe, have four children and 11 grandchildren.
David Bordo / Elder and Foundations Class Teacher
Dave grew up in north central West Virginia and gave his heart to Jesus the summer before his senior year in high school. He moved to the South Hills of Pittsburgh after graduating from West Virginia University because he felt the Lord’s calling to be a part of this church. Dave has served in the past as a leader of the Young Adults ministry and currently teaches the Foundations Class. He and his wife, Marcie, also coordinate outreach to those who are new to the church. Dave and Marcie have three children and three grandchildren.
James Gaynor / Elder
Jim was born again into Christ and became a part of the church in 1971. He has served as an elder since 1991. Jim has been the director of music in the church for many years and has been a part of the teaching staff for our Foundations Class. He and his wife, Lissa, have three children and nine grandchildren.
Other Leaders