Our Story
In 1970, a small group of young men and women, mostly in their teens and early twenties, began to gather in homes to worship the Lord and share His Word. They were drawn together by a common bond of heartfelt love for Jesus, thankfulness to the Lord for the work of redemption that He had begun to work in each of their lives, and a passionate desire to know Him and His Word more deeply. As the Lord added more people with the same commitment to following Jesus, the church outgrew homes, and they began to gather in various rented facilities in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh.
Church membership increased steadily, and soon, the rented facilities were not large enough. In 1977, the church acquired seven acres of land in Cecil Township, Washington County, to build a multi-purpose facility that would accommodate the growing congregation. Since then, the church has added an educational wing, a fellowship hall, and an expanded sanctuary to provide for the many ministries of the church to the congregation and the surrounding communities in Washington, Greene, and southern Allegheny counties.

In 2024, the name Wellspring Church was selected to better reflect these commitments and to highlight our conviction concerning Jesus’ promise in John 4:14, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” We believe that Jesus is the only one who can truly satisfy the needs of mankind and the yearning in people’s hearts to know God. In addition, our name is intended to reflect our commitment to sharing words of life with others so that they may come to experience the wellspring of eternal life for themselves.
Throughout all its changes and growth, Wellspring Church has been dedicated to being a welcoming community of people who love Jesus, worship Him in spirit and in truth, and desire to be transformed by God’s Word.