Our Sunday Services

Our Sunday services, filled with vibrant expressions of faith, serve as the core of our church community and worship.

Corporate Worship

The people of Wellspring Church come together for two services on Sundays to worship the Lord and hear the Word of God preached as a local church. These services provide a wonderful opportunity for new Christians and experienced Christians alike to worship the Lord, hear the Bible ministered with conviction, and receive the gifts and ministries the Lord has designed for His people to receive in the local church.

Music Ministry

In addition to regular corporate worship that involves the entire congregation worshipping the Lord, we are also regularly blessed by members of our congregation who minister in music with the anointing of the Lord. This music includes classic hymns and songs of the faith, as well as more modern Christian music.

Sunday School

The Sunday school at Wellspring Church meets each Sunday during the worship service and consists of classes for children from age three through the tenth grade.